Commonly referred to as false teeth, dentures can be used to replace all of your upper or lower teeth, or just a few as required. They provide an effective way of restoring your ability to eat and talk and allowing you to show off a beautiful and aesthetic smile with confidence.
Dentures can also be combined with dental implants for a superior and incredibly secure fit. Even without the additional support from implants, modern dentures are a far cry from the unattractive and uncomfortable ones of the past. Many dentures are now made from flexible and aesthetically pleasing materials to create a seamless and realistic finish to your smile.
Contact Us NowThe type of denture you will be fitted with will depend on your individual case, including the amount of teeth that are needed to replace. Both full and partial dentures are able to be easily removed for cleaning.
Replace all of your teeth and consist of a gum coloured arch with a set of crowns attached. It is normally possible to fit the denture immediately following extraction, if necessary. However, if this is the case, you may need to return after several months of wear so we can adjust your dentures and check they are still a secure, comfortable fit.
Replace one or more missing teeth and consist of a plastic or metal plate with crowns attached where required. Metal hooks anchor the plate to your existing teeth to ensure it stays firmly in place.
Take free e-consultMaking dentures is an involved process which takes time and skill. It involves several appointments so we can ensure your dentures are as secure, comfortable and natural looking as possible.
At your initial consultation, we fully examine your teeth and gums and talk you through each element of the treatment process, giving you the chance to ask any questions. We take impressions of your mouth to create a wax model of your dentures, used to check the fit, bite and comfort.
When we are happy with the model, it is used to produce your final set of dentures. When they are ready, we see you for a fitting appointment. We ensure you are completely happy and your dentures feel comfortable in your mouth.
After around one week, we see you for a follow up appointment to check how your dentures are feeling and how you are getting on with them. Please let us know if you are experiencing any sore spots as the dentures may need a slight adjustment.
Contact Us NowDentures are strong and hard wearing, and with the proper care should last for many years. Ensure you clean your dentures daily with a toothbrush or special denture brush and cream, rinsing them thoroughly before putting them back in your mouth. Remove your dentures at night, unless otherwise directed, to give your gums a chance to rest. Store your dentures in water or denture fluid when they are out of your mouth, to avoid drying out and changing shape. It is important to visit your dentist for regular check ups, even if you wear a full denture, so we can keep an eye on your oral health. Also, don’t forget that your gums, tongue and any remaining teeth need to be kept healthy by brushing twice a day as normal.
We understand how important it is that your dentures look natural. We consider a number of things in the creation of your dentures, including the height of your teeth, your bite and the support required for certain facial features. We also take time to discuss the size, shape and colour of the teeth. Many people are keen to keep certain features from their previous teeth to ensure natural results. We can make the teeth slightly crooked and even place fillings if required.
It can take some time to get used to the feel of your new dentures, especially if you have a complete set. Eating may feel strange, so it is best to start with softer foods and gradually introduce more challenging items. You may also find your speech is different at first, until you are used to your dentures. We suggest reading aloud or practising tricky words at home and soon you will be speaking normally again.
If you notice any problems with your dentures, such as clicking when you talk or eat, a loose or uncomfortable feeling or any sore spots or bleeding, please contact us for help and advice.