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October Newsletter

Hello, Autumn Our leafy wreath is up once more signalling a shift in the seasons. It can be difficult to leave the warmer summer months behind, but there is a lot to love about autumn. The sky may be looking a little greyer, but there’s something magical about the atmospheric misty mornings and riots of…

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August Newsletter

Welcome to the latest edition of the Edinburgh Dental Studio newsletter. We hope you have all been enjoying the freedom we’ve been granted, and the warmer (although unpredictable) weather. We would like to say a huge thank you for how you have adapted to all the Covid measures we have had to put in place…

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June Newsletter

Summer is here! After a rather damp May, it has been lovely to see some sunshine this month. The longest day of the year, blossoming flowers, alfresco dining without the need for umpteen layers of clothing, and of course the Euros (although we fully appreciate this is considered a massive negative for many!). We have…

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May Newsletter

It has been a busy time for the team recently, both professionally and personally. Away from the practice, there have been house moves, exams, and another four-legged furry friend welcomed. Here at number 6, our appointment book has been keeping us very busy and we are thrilled to welcome dentist, Paul who began seeing patients…

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March Newsletter

BLUE SKIES This time last year, we only had a few working days left before we were forced to close our doors. It feels like such a long time ago that we were able to do normal things like meeting friends for lunch, attending concerts or seeing extended family members in their homes. Hugs and…

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Our Favorite Quotes About Smiling

WORKING IN THE DENTAL health business, one of our favorite things to see is our patients’ smiles. So today, we thought we’d celebrate those happy faces by sharing some of our favorite quotes about smiling! Smile For Yourself “Lighten up, just enjoy life, smile more, laugh more, and don’t get so worked up about things.”…

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A Closer Look At Our Teeth

WE USE OUR TEETH all day, every day, for chewing, talking, and flashing big smiles at friends and family, but what are the structures that allow our teeth to do so much? Let’s take a look at what our teeth are made of. Layer 1: Tooth Enamel The portion of each tooth that we can see…

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Straight Teeth: Not Just About Looks

THE MOST OBVIOUS impact of orthodontic treatment is a straighter, more attractive smile. While it is true that we tend to perceive people with properly aligned teeth as happier and more successful, the benefits aren’t just superficial. Clearer Speech Do you remember the lisp you had between losing your two front teeth and the adult ones…

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Congratulations to our Hygiene Therapist Rachel for her 3 year work anniversary

Congratulations to our Hygiene Therapist Rachel McCoubrey for her 3 year work anniversary at Edinburgh Dental studio!

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The Top 3 Best Drinks For Your Teeth

MANY OF THE THINGS we drink are actually pretty bad for our teeth, especially soda, fruit juice, and coffee. What options does that leave for the dental health conscious to quench their thirst? Fortunately, there are a few drinks that are much less likely to cause stains or contribute to enamel erosion and decay, which makes…

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